Welcome to the official blog for RISD's advanced studio,Design for Social Entrepreneurship, Spring 2010. This course aims to cultivate social entrepreneurial designers by investigating the power of products, systems and services to create positive social and environmental change both internationally and domestically.

Instructor: Sloan Kulper, IDSA

Course Planner: Yi Zhang

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Assignment 5: Due 3/11

Good work on Design Project 1 so far - please scan and post up your boards from today on your individual blogs. Also, post a few of the key sketchbook pages and brainstorming sheets that your team generated over the weekend.

For this coming Thursday please complete the following:
1. Based on the work that we critiqued in studio today, each team should meet and select one area to focus on for further development. Produce an informal array of sketches, brainstorm notes, and evidence of your research on this topic for desk-crits on Thursday.

2. On Thursday morning we will have a skype call with Drolgar Jyid, my colleague in Qinghai. Please think of one or two key questions per team that you would like to ask her during the conversation about local conditions and culture.

3. Read these case studies from The Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid, by C.K. Prahalad. Also read this extract from The Power of Unreasonable People, by John Elkington and Pamela Hartigan, and write a brief paragraph response on your blog.

Lastly, let me know if you have any questions about the project, and good luck!

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